Project Gratitude with Aaron Applefield, Stoic Coaching

[Watch time: 58 minutes] Our guest expert for our MINDSET session is Aaron Applefield from Stoic Coaching. This Project Gratitude Zoom will discuss in depth the benefits of living a life focused on gratitude, and the impact on one’s own physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Aaron examines how we can create better personal and professional…

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Prioritising Oneself for Longevity with Kurt Everard, TIACS

[Watch time: 54 minutes] Our guest expert in this session is Kurt Everard from TIACS. We are beginning a new year which usually brings about a consideration of resolutions (or equivalent). Learning Objectives: from this session, you will learn about: Increased awareness of the potential consequences of lacking self-care (from research and my professional experience…

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Aaron Applefield Stoic Self Care

Stoic Approach to Self Care and Benefits of Self Care with Aaron Applefield, Stoic Coaching

[Watch time: 1 hour] Our guest expert for our MINDSET session is Aaron Applefield from Stoic Coaching. A stoic approach to self-care does not mean neglecting your needs or suppressing emotions. It is about finding a balance between accepting what you cannot change and taking proactive steps to create a fulfilling and virtuous life. Learning…

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Kicking Off 2024 with Amelia + Duayne

[Watch time: 1 hour 5 minutes] In this session, we’ll be kicking off 2024 with our first call for the year. Join us, as we share more about our exciting new Missions, connect you with your A-Teams and show you how to make the most of your membership this year. Learning Objectives: from this session,…

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Year in Review + 6P Elevator [DEC 2023]

[Watch time: 1 hour, 14 minutes] Video and Audio file of our 2023 Wrap Up and 6P Elevator Review Session (Held live, 18 December 2023) In this session, we wrapped up 2023 and touched on what’s in store for 2024. The session includes revisiting our 6P ELEVATOR Wheel of Life for our 90 day review.…

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What Makes A Professional? with Aaron Applefield, Stoic Coaching

[Watch time: 1 hour] Our guest expert for our MINDSET session is Aaron Applefield from Stoic Coaching. In this session, Aaron poses some questions to ask yourself: Do you see yourself as a professional? Do others see you as a professional? He also discusses a Stoic mindset approach to professionalism. Zoom Chat Log 00:24:33 Nathan,…

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Breaking Through Using Breathwork with Johannes Egberts

[Watch time: 1 hour] Our guest expert in this session is Johannes Egberts. This session expands on Johannes’ Breathwork Masterclass. We recommend you watch that session first:  watch it here. Johannes teaches some therapeutic breathing exercises to relieve stress and anxiety. Join the session to learn further breathwork techniques to guide yourself towards calmness and…

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A Year in Review with Kurt Everard, TIACS

[Watch time: 1 hour] Our guest expert in this session is Kurt Everard from TIACS. As we draw to the end of the year, everyone is asked to think about and share one new learning regarding some part of your mental well-being.  It might be an important lesson, a way of navigating a conversation, a…

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A Kaizen Mindset Approach to Process and Growth with Aaron Applefield, Stoic Coaching

A Kaizen Mindset Approach to Process and Growth with Aaron Applefield, Stoic Coaching

[Watch time: 1 hour] Our guest expert for our Mindset session is Aaron Applefield from Stoic Coaching. The Kaizen approach, derived from the Japanese word for “continuous improvement,” is a philosophy and methodology focused on making small, incremental changes over time to achieve long-term improvement.  While Kaizen is often associated with process improvement in business…

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Getting Comfortable With Uncertainty with Kurt Everard, TIACS

Getting Comfortable With Uncertainty with Kurt Everard, TIACS

[Watch time: 41 minutes] Our guest expert in this session is Kurt Everard from TIACS. It is impossible for us to see the future, so life is inherently unpredictable.  Therefore, it is important that we remain as adaptable and flexible as possible, but this is easier said than done. This session provides insights and strategies…

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