Hello, !
Your Mission, should you choose to accept it ...


4 MAR 2024 - 5 APR 2024

(Submit to your A-Team Captain by 29 MAR 2024)


WEEK 1: 4 MAR 2024

  • Agree with your A-Team what task you’ll be doing
  • Identify individual mission tasks as well
  • Schedule Misson task time into your calendar
  • Print out your Mission PDF

WEEK 2 to 4: 11 MAR 2024 - 29 MAR 2024

  • Work on your Mission tasks + check off completion
  • Check in with your A-Team
  • Share progress in the Facebook group


  • Let your A-Team Captain know what tasks you’ve completed

WEEK 5: 1 APR 2024

  • Time to hear from all the A-Teams
  • Let’s celebrate!!

WEEK 6: 8 APR 2024

  • Catch up and rest week before our next Mission

Tasks and resources for our PATHFINDER Mission ...

Well-Being 20 push ups per day
Relationships Organise a date night or catch up with a friend 2 X mission
Self-Improvement Document each day 3 things you're grateful for (daily)
Contract Get special conditions added / updated (reviewed by lawyer) 1 X mission
Costs Project Sheet updated / created (2 X Mission) TRAINING: Project Sheets Calculator >>> [CLICK HERE]
Sustainability Watch training session on Sustainable Design and review your last 3 projects to determine fit / what needs to change / what to keep TRAINING: Sustainability in Design and Construction >>> [CLICK HERE]
Leader Organise a 1:1 meeting with each of your team members Work in general, areas the business can improve, suggestions where value can be added, struggles / stress sources, goals around life and work, team
Culture Organise a training session for your team
Client Business hours: set and put on email footer, website and correspondence (update templates etc)
Designer Connect with 3 X new architects / designers on social media and start the conversation
Systemisation Review a site system and create a version for your projects Here are some you could choose from:
SYSTEM: Set Up Site
SYSTEM: Order Structural Steel
SYSTEM: Manage Materials
PAC Process Meeting with 2 X supplier or subcontractor to discuss the PAC Process and how it helps ensure projects go through
Profit Review overheads
Operations Prepare + lodge a submission for the LLB Annual Awards
Award Categories and Entry Details


Post them in the Facebook group or email [email protected]