Momentum Session [JUL 2024] with Amelia + Duayne

[Watch time:  1 hour and 6 minutes] In this session, Amelia and Duayne address the obstacles and difficulties you’re encountering. This session provides guidance to help you uncover the underlying issues, gain clarity on your next steps, and build the momentum needed to move forward. Learning Objectives: from this session, you will learn about: Communicating…

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Momentum Session [JUN 2024] with Amelia + Duayne

[Watch time:  1 hour & 4 minutes] In this session Amelia and Duayne talk through what challenges you’re experiencing or what is overwhelming you. These sessions provide personalised support, to identify what is really holding you back, and get clarity about what to work on so you can gain the momentum you need. Learning Objectives:…

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Builders and Their Ecosystems with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour, 10 minutes] This session is about Builders and Their Ecosystems. Only 43% of the cells in your body are human cells, with the microbiome made up of a huge ecosystem of complex organisms, including bacteria, yeasts, fungi, viruses and protozoa that can weigh up to 2kg in each human. Interesting…  but…

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Choosing an Architectural Photographer + Image Licensing with Ben Greaves, Light and Lines

[Watch time: 1 hour, 7 minutes] Our guest expert in this session is Ben Greaves from Light and Lines. This session is about how to choose an architectural photographer and also covers the basics of image licensing. In the session Ben discusses: How to determine the best photographer for your business What to expect in…

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PAC In Action: Working with Designers with Duayne Pearce and Aaron Wailes of GreenCoast Building Design

[Watch time: 1 hour, 12 minutes] In this session Duayne chats to guest expert Aaron Wailes from GreenCoast Building Design. A not to be missed session where Duayne takes you behind the scenes to give you a look at how he works closely with designer Aaron Wailes in the PAC Process.  They discuss the importance…

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Being An Influencer [And Being Influenced] with Amelia + Duayne

[Watch time: 1 hour, 8 minutes] Video and Audio file of our ELEVATE Group Session: Being An Influencer [And Being Influenced] In this session Amelia and Duayne discuss what it means to be an influencer as a small business owner. Ever heard that you’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time…

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Drawing Review Checklist with Amelia + Duayne

[Watch time: 1 hour, 25 minutes] Video and Audio file for Drawing Review Checklist  In this session, we take you through a Drawing Review Checklist we’ve created for you, plus explain how and why it’s important to use a Review process to assess if the documentation you’re receiving will work for you and your business.…

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How to Respond to an Enquiry with Amelia + Duayne

[Watch time: 1 hour, 19 minutes] Video and Audio file for How to Respond to an Enquiry Session  In this session, we take you step-by-step through the SALES | Respond to an Enquiry System included in the Live Life Build Systems Library. Getting this process done well is the first step in setting up a…

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Talking Money with Your Clients, with Amelia + Duayne

[Watch time: 1 hour, 22 minutes] Video and Audio file of our ELEVATE Group Session: TALKING MONEY WITH CLIENTS – Why Custom Builders are different to Project Home builders, and how to discuss costs with your clients? In this session, we take you through specific strategies and your mindset when it comes to discussing costs…

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Finding Designers & Architects with Amelia Lee

[Watch time: 1 hour] Video and Audio file of our ELEVATE Session: How can I find designers to work with in the PAC Process? In this session, we’re going to share some ideas and suggestions for how to find, connect with and review designers (especially building designers and architects) so you can set up great…

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