Your Values Underpin Everything You Do with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour & 12 minutes] Our guest expert for our SYSTEMS session is John Tonkin from Brain in a Box. One of the key factors determining the success of your business is fundamental to everything you and your team do.  Usually, however, we think about it only when there’s a clash. Someone does…

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The Theme is TEAM with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour & 10 minutes] Our guest expert for our SYSTEMS session is John Tonkin from Brain in a Box. The best sporting teams train together, work together on the field and celebrate together.  Each player in the team knows their own role and the strengths (and weaknesses) of their teammates.  They step…

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We'll be Working Together on This Job

We’ll be Working Together on This Job – Here’s How We’ll Make it Work with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour & 22 minutes] Our guest expert for our SYSTEMS session is John Tonkin from Brain in a Box. Your reputation as a builder can be influenced by so many people – your team, the contractors and labourers you hire, your suppliers, the professionals you engage with, to name just a few.…

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But We’ve Always Done It This Way… with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour, 4 minutes] Our guest expert for our SYSTEMS session is John Tonkin from Brain in a Box. John stressed the importance of managing change collaboratively, advocating for a shared vision, celebrating small wins, and recognising diverse communication styles. Also highlighted are the challenges of implementing systems, emphasising effective communication, adaptability, and…

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Options to Capture Your Processes & Systems with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour, 8 minutes] Our guest expert for our SYSTEMS session is John Tonkin from Brain in a Box. In this hour we’re going to test a range of options to record processes, store them and make them accessible to the team.  We’ll round it off by discussing the pros and cons of…

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What’s Your Secret Sauce? with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

What’s Your Secret Sauce? with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour, 10 minutes] Our guest expert for our SYSTEMS session is John Tonkin from Brain in a Box. What’s Your ‘Secret Sauce’ – the Ingredient you Add to Every Project That Assures a Win for the Client (and You)? You’re focussed on a quality outcome for your client.  You manage this carefully…

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People, Systems and a Simple Question with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

People, Systems and a Simple Question with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour, 6 minutes ] Our guest expert in this SYSTEMS session is John Tonkin from Brain in a Box. If you could choose absolutely anyone to join your construction team, would you opt for a team made up of experts or a well-trained team who would actually follow your carefully defined systems?…

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How Systems Help Deliver Better Projects with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

How Systems Help Deliver Better Projects with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour, 7 minutes] Our guest expert in this session is John Tonkin from Brain in a Box. Back on the 25 July, a number of members answered a quick survey in our ELEVATE Facebook group on using systems in your business. Most selected option was “Knowing where to start“. So in John’s…

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Self-Management is the Foundation of Business Management John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour, 5 minutes] Our guest expert in this session is John Tonkin from Brain in a Box. There’s a huge amount of education available that will help you grow your business, which is fantastic. There’s also lots of education on discovering your ‘real you’, or understanding your archetype, or suchlike. So let’s…

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Of course I'm a professional John Tonkin

“Of Course I’m a Professional!” with John Tonkin, from Brain In A Box

[Watch time: 1 hour] Our guest expert in this session is John Tonkin from Brain in a Box. There are two dimensions of ‘Professional’ – Profit and Operations.  If the operations side of your business creates value for your client and a profit for you, consistently over time, you can certainly wear the ‘Professional’ badge. …

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