Processes - We've Done It All Before with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

Processes – We’ve Done It All Before with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour] I often answered my kids with words to the effect, “Everything in life is an experiment – let’s work it out,” when they asked questions like, “What should I do?” or “What’s going to happen now?” While it sounds simplistic, there’s a lot of truth in the answer I gave. There…

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Builders and Their Ecosystems with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour, 10 minutes] This session is about Builders and Their Ecosystems. Only 43% of the cells in your body are human cells, with the microbiome made up of a huge ecosystem of complex organisms, including bacteria, yeasts, fungi, viruses and protozoa that can weigh up to 2kg in each human. Interesting…  but…

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Systems Are All About People with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour, 18 minutes] Our guest expert in this session is John Tonkin from Brain In A Box. Mention systems and many people will think of dry, boring pages full of black ink that were written by someone from the last century. Sadly, some companies have folders full of these pages and are…

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Planning, Time and Outcome with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour] Our guest expert in this session is John Tonkin from Brain In A Box. PROJECT (Definition): a piece of planned work or activity that is completed over a period of time and intended to achieve a particular outcome. John’s previous ELEVATE session (Get Personal with SYSTEMS), looked at how to apply…

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Get Personal with Systems with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour] Our guest expert in this session is John Tonkin from Brain in a Box. There are people who think of systems as dry, impersonal instructions that will guide the user to complete a task. This can be true, but taking a different perspective will show systems as an enabler in so…

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Mind Mapping and Systems with John Tonkin and Q & A SESSION

[Watch time: 1 hour, 22 minutes] Video and Audio file of our ELEVATE Expert Session: Mind Mapping and Systems with John Tonkin (and Q & A Session) Our guest expert in this session is John Tonkin, BRAIN in a BOX. We discussed the use of systems in your building business. We also answer your questions…

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Building Your Systems Q & A Session with John Tonkin

[Watch time: 1 hour] Video and Audio file of our ELEVATE Group Session: Systems Q & A with John Tonkin This session follows our recorded session with John Tonkin, and generally discusses the use of systems in your building business. We also answer your questions about systems. In this session, we discuss: how developing systems…

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Building Your Systems with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour] Our guest expert in this session is John Tonkin, from Brain in a Box. Growing from a corporate training background, John has always working closely with technology and systems, in some of Australia’s leading corporates. He launched his first systems-oriented business in 2000. A passion for systems and a methodology finessed through…

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