Tools for Managing Anger and Anxiety with Kurt Everard, TIACS

[Watch time: 1 hour] Our guest expert in this session is Kurt Everard from TIACS. Picture yourself on the highway and someone cuts you off. What would your reaction be? Anger? Frustration? … Fair enough.  Picture yourself in a situation where you’ve had some big bills coming out of the account and not much coming…

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Side Projects with Aaron Applefield, Stoic Coaching

[Watch time: 1 hour, 3 minutes] Our guest expert for this Mindset session is Aaron Applefield from Stoic Coaching. Aaron’s topic this month is Side Projects, taking you through his personal journey. Aaron’s guest on the call is Justin Andrews from Abode Constructions and Inner Breath. Justin shares how is “side project” has changed is…

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Loss and Grief with Kurt Everard, TIACS

[Watch time: 1 hour & 1 minute] Our guest expert in this session is Kurt Everard from TIACS. Death is a universal reality therefore we will all be inevitably faced with the loss of a loved one and need to be as prepared as possible for that.  Loss and grief is not a subject we…

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Self-Management is the Foundation of Business Management John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour, 5 minutes] Our guest expert in this session is John Tonkin from Brain in a Box. There’s a huge amount of education available that will help you grow your business, which is fantastic. There’s also lots of education on discovering your ‘real you’, or understanding your archetype, or suchlike. So let’s…

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Character vs Reputation with Aaron Applefield, Stoic Coaching

[Watch time: 57 minutes] Our guest expert in this session is Aaron Applefield from Stoic Coaching. Learning Objectives: from this session, you will learn about: Character vs reputation Internal belief and action v external view of those actions. Stoic philosophical approach to the pointed difference.  Show your character so that reputations and character are consistent…

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Tools for Success with Kurt Everard, TIACS

Tools for Success with Kurt Everard, TIACS

[Watch time: 1 hour 10 minutes] Our guest expert in this session is Kurt Everard from TIACS. We had a great discussion on the therapeutic process in our last session. We will begin with a quick opportunity for anyone to probe further into some of the nuances of this process that still may be unclear. …

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The Search for Balance as a Business Owner with Aaron Applefield, Stoic Coaching

[Watch time: 1 hour] Our guest expert in this session is Aaron Applefield from Stoic Coaching. This session is about The Search for Balance as a Business Owner between Professional and Personal Worlds. Learn how to bridge that gap with a healthy mindset approach. Consistency of Core Values is Key. Be Genuine. Aaron recommends that…

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Harassment, Discrimination and Bullying, Helen Rogerson Leadership EQ

Harassment, Bullying & Discrimination with Helen Rogerson, Leadership EQ

[Watch time: 1 hour] Our guest expert for our Leadership session is Helen Rogerson from Leadership EQ. This session is about navigating your way through the minefield. In recent years there has been an increasing focus on ensuring workplaces are free of harassment, bullying and discrimination. With this comes increasing complexity and scrutiny. Business owners…

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Personal Strategies for Day to Day Life with Kurt Everard, TIACS

[Watch time: 1 hour 10 minutes] Our guest expert in this session is Kurt Everard from TIACS. We have done a full loop and are back to the first ‘P’ which, as we know, relates to personal. I understand everyone has done their reviews which I have seen on Facebook. There is quite a mix…

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6P Elevator [MAY 2023]

[Watch time: 1 hour, 6 minutes] Video and Audio file of our 6P Elevator Review Session (Held live, 31st May 2023) In this session, we revisit our 6P ELEVATOR Wheel of Life for our 90 day review. Take the time to update your 6P ELEVATOR (you can find the training session and PDF download here). Review…

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