Understanding your Overheads Calculator with Duayne

[Watch time: 1 hour & 7 minutes] In this session, Duayne will talk you through some exercises to help you understand how many hours you are working each week, what roles you are doing, and how you can grow your business with clarity and certainty. Learning Objectives: from this session, you will learn about: Making…

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Constructing Excellence with Dr Jo Lukins

[Watch time:  1 hour & 30 minutes] Dr Lukins was a keynote speaker at the Live Life Build Live Event held at the Gold Coast on 1-2 March 2024. You can watch the recording from that session and view Jo’s slide presentation. In her presentation, Dr Lukin shares her experiences with training elite athletes to…

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Project Gratitude with Aaron Applefield, Stoic Coaching

[Watch time: 58 minutes] Our guest expert for our MINDSET session is Aaron Applefield from Stoic Coaching. This Project Gratitude Zoom will discuss in depth the benefits of living a life focused on gratitude, and the impact on one’s own physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Aaron examines how we can create better personal and professional…

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Getting Up to Speed with Industry Changes with Amelia + Duayne

[Watch time:  1 hour & 6 minutes] There’s been a lot of change in the industry over the past 12 months. Regulatory bodies and clients alike are linking building health and human health, and as builders, it’s important to keep up to date. In this call, Duayne and Amelia will give a run-through of key…

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Prioritising Oneself for Longevity with Kurt Everard, TIACS

[Watch time: 54 minutes] Our guest expert in this session is Kurt Everard from TIACS. We are beginning a new year which usually brings about a consideration of resolutions (or equivalent). Learning Objectives: from this session, you will learn about: Increased awareness of the potential consequences of lacking self-care (from research and my professional experience…

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The Simple Financial Scoreboard for Builders with Katie Crismale-Marshall from Profit First for Tradies

[Watch time: 1 hour, 2 minutes] Our guest expert is Katie Crismale-Marshall from Profit First for Tradies. In this session, we will be highlighting the simple financial scoreboard any builder can get started using today. Learning Objectives: from this session, you will learn how to: Identify your scoreboard Review your scoreboard in three simple steps  …

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We’ll be Working Together on This Job – Here’s How We’ll Make it Work with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour & 22 minutes] Our guest expert for our SYSTEMS session is John Tonkin from Brain in a Box. Your reputation as a builder can be influenced by so many people – your team, the contractors and labourers you hire, your suppliers, the professionals you engage with, to name just a few.…

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Stoic Approach to Self Care and Benefits of Self Care with Aaron Applefield, Stoic Coaching

[Watch time: 1 hour] Our guest expert for our MINDSET session is Aaron Applefield from Stoic Coaching. A stoic approach to self-care does not mean neglecting your needs or suppressing emotions. It is about finding a balance between accepting what you cannot change and taking proactive steps to create a fulfilling and virtuous life. Learning…

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Kicking Off 2024 with Amelia + Duayne

[Watch time: 1 hour 5 minutes] In this session, we’ll be kicking off 2024 with our first call for the year. Join us, as we share more about our exciting new Missions, connect you with your A-Teams and show you how to make the most of your membership this year. Learning Objectives: from this session,…

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Year in Review + 6P Elevator [DEC 2023], with Amelia + Duayne

[Watch time: 1 hour, 13 minutes] Video and Audio file of our 2023 Wrap Up and 6P Elevator Review Session (Held live, 18 December 2023) In this session, we revisit our 6P ELEVATOR Wheel of Life for our 90 day review. Take the time to update your 6P ELEVATOR (you can find the training session and…

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