Personal Strategies for Day to Day Life with Kurt Everard, TIACS

[Watch time: 1 hour 10 minutes] Our guest expert in this session is Kurt Everard from TIACS. We have done a full loop and are back to the first ‘P’ which, as we know, relates to personal. I understand everyone has done their reviews which I have seen on Facebook. There is quite a mix…

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6P Elevator [MAY 2023]

[Watch time: 1 hour, 6 minutes] Video and Audio file of our 6P Elevator Review Session (Held live, 31st May 2023) In this session, we revisit our 6P ELEVATOR Wheel of Life for our 90 day review. Take the time to update your 6P ELEVATOR (you can find the training session and PDF download here). Review…

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Processes – We’ve Done It All Before with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour] I often answered my kids with words to the effect, “Everything in life is an experiment – let’s work it out,” when they asked questions like, “What should I do?” or “What’s going to happen now?” While it sounds simplistic, there’s a lot of truth in the answer I gave. There…

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Routines and Process Focus Approach to Goals with Aaron Applefield, Stoic Coaching

[Watch time: 1 hour] Our guest expert in this session is Aaron Applefield from Stoic Coaching. In this session Coach Apples discusses routines and goals, including: 1) Routines for consistency and setting a directional mindset Apples Personal Story (Routines help me manage my anxiety) Ability to adjust if routine is interrupted outside of My Control…

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Marketing Q&A with Amelia + Duayne

Marketing Q&A with Amelia + Duayne

[Watch time: 1 hour] Video and Audio file of our ELEVATE Group Session: Marketing Q&A In this session Amelia and Duayne discuss marketing tips for your business.  This is an ‘Ask us anything’ Marketing Q+A session.  Topics include: Social Media Email marketing Onboarding tips Content Planning Repurposing content  Using Ai Learn how Amelia + Duayne structure…

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Feedback – the WHAT, WHY, WHEN and HOW with Helen Rogerson, Leadership EQ

[Watch time: 1 hour] Our guest expert for our Leadership session is Helen Rogerson from Leadership EQ. This session is about Feedback – the WHAT, WHY, WHEN & HOW. Giving feedback  has been shown to improve performance and morale – if given correctly. This includes both positive and constructive (or “negative”) feedback. Sometimes a leader…

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Self Care and Vulnerability with Jason Banks, TIACS

[Watch time: 1 hour] Our guest expert in this session is Jason Banks from TIACS. This session is about Self Care and Vulnerability, and Jason, [Head of Partnerships at TIACS] shares his personal insights about: why he came on board with TIACS his own experiences and challenges with mental health how to establish a support…

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When Projects Fall Through, with Amelia + Duayne

[Watch time: 1 hour, 22 minutes] Video and Audio file of our ELEVATE Group Session: When Projects Fall Through In this session Amelia and Duayne discuss what to do when projects fall through. Learn tips to navigate these times including: Avoiding quiet times What you can [and can’t] control Knowing + reviewing your numbers Project…

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Builders and Their Ecosystems with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour, 10 minutes] This session is about Builders and Their Ecosystems. Only 43% of the cells in your body are human cells, with the microbiome made up of a huge ecosystem of complex organisms, including bacteria, yeasts, fungi, viruses and protozoa that can weigh up to 2kg in each human. Interesting…  but…

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Emotional Intelligence and Your Partnerships with Aaron Applefield, Stoic Coaching

[Watch time: 1 hour] Our guest expert in this session is Aaron Applefield from Stoic Coaching. Aaron shares a short summary from his recent experience in NZ, and you will also learn about: What is Emotional Intelligence? Do the skills come easily [personally or professionally]? Difference between cognitive and emotional empathy [Apples’ Story] Can you…

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