Get Chosen Easily: #4 Communication and #5 Collaboration with Amelia + Duayne

[Watch time: 1 hour] Video and Audio file of our ELEVATE Group Session: How to (easily) get chosen as their builder [Part 4 and 5] In this session, we’ll be discussing the last two ‘C’s’ of our series on how to (easily) get chosen as their builder and that is Communication and Collaboration. The recording starts…

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How to Survive + Thrive Through Difficult Times with Amelia + Duayne

[Watch time: 1 hour, 12 minutes] Video and Audio file of our ELEVATE Group Session: How to survive and thrive in your business through difficult times. In this session, we talk about what’s working, and what to focus on to navigate these really tricky times and discuss how to not only survive these times –…

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Get Chosen Easily: #3 Contract with Amelia + Duayne

[Watch time: 1 hour, 15 minutes] Video and Audio file of our ELEVATE Group Session: How to (easily) get chosen as their builder [Part 3] In this session, we continue our series on how to (easily) get chosen as their builder, with our session on CONTRACT. In this session, we discuss: how your homeowner client views…

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Get Chosen Easily: #2 Company with Amelia + Duayne

[Watch time: 1 hour] Video and Audio file of our ELEVATE Group Session: How to (easily) get chosen as their builder [Part 2] In this session, we continue our series on how to (easily) get chosen as their builder, with our session on COMPANY. In this session, we discuss: how to position yourself as a professional…

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Get Chosen Easily: #1 Credibility with Amelia + Duayne

[Watch time: 1 hour, 8 minutes] Video and Audio file of our ELEVATE Group Session: How to (easily) get chosen as their builder [Part 1] In this session, we kick off our series on how to (easily) get chosen as their builder, with our first session on CREDIBILITY. In this session, we discuss: what credibility is…

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6P ELEVATOR Review [SEP 2021], with Amelia + Duayne

[Watch time: 1 hour, 5 minutes] In this session, we revisit our 6P ELEVATOR Wheel of Life for our 90 day review. Take the time to update your 6P ELEVATOR (you can find the training session and PDF download here). Review your goals from your last 90 days, and set goals for your next 90 days.…

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Mind Mapping and Systems with John Tonkin

[Watch time: 1 hour, 22 minutes] Video and Audio file of our ELEVATE Expert Session: Mind Mapping and Systems with John Tonkin Our guest expert in this session is John Tonkin, BRAIN in a BOX. We discuss the use of systems in your building business. We also answer your questions about systems. Learning Objectives: from…

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Building Your Systems Q & A Session with Amelia + Duayne

[Watch time: 1 hour] Video and Audio file of our ELEVATE Group Session: Systems Q & A with Amelia + Duayne This session follows our recorded session with John Tonkin, and generally discusses the use of systems in your building business. We also answer your questions about systems. Learning Objectives: from this session, you will…

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Building Your Systems with John Tonkin, Brain in a Box

[Watch time: 1 hour] Our guest expert in this session is John Tonkin, from Brain in a Box. Growing from a corporate training background, John has always working closely with technology and systems, in some of Australia’s leading corporates. He launched his first systems-oriented business in 2000. A passion for systems and a methodology finessed through…

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Finding Designers & Architects with Amelia Lee

[Watch time: 1 hour] Video and Audio file of our ELEVATE Session: How can I find designers to work with in the PAC Process? In this session, we’re going to share some ideas and suggestions for how to find, connect with and review designers (especially building designers and architects) so you can set up great…

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